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FlexSshKeyExchangeAlgorithms Enumeration

Specifies the SSH key exchange algorithms.

Namespace: Flex.Hal.Settings
Assembly: Flex.Hal.Ohio (in Flex.Hal.Ohio.dll) Version: 6.0.8219.1880
public enum FlexSshKeyExchangeAlgorithms
Member nameValueDescription
None0 No algorithm.
DiffieHellmanGroup1SHA11 Diffie-Hellman (Oakley Group 2) with SHA-1.
DiffieHellmanGroup14SHA12 Diffie-Hellman (Oakley Group 14) with SHA-1.
DiffieHellmanGroupExchangeSHA14 Diffie-Hellman (Group Exchange) with SHA-1.
DiffieHellmanGroupExchangeSHA2568 Diffie-Hellman (Group Exchange) with SHA-256.
ECDiffieHellmanNistP25616 Elliptic CurveDiffie-Hellman key exchange based on NIST P-256 curve with SHA-256.
ECDiffieHellmanNistP38432 Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange based on NIST P-384 curve with SHA-384.
ECDiffieHellmanNistP52164 Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange based on NIST P-521 curve with SHA-512.
Curve25519128 Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange based on Curve 25519 with SHA-256.
DiffieHellmanOakleyGroupSHA256256 Diffie-Hellman (Oakley Group 14) with SHA-256.
DiffieHellmanOakleyGroupSHA512512 Diffie-Hellman (Oakley Group 15 or 16) with SHA-512.
Any1,023 Any algorithm.
See Also