Flex.Hal.Settings Namespace |
Class | Description | |
ActionMacroRecToggle |
Represents an user action to start/stop recording a macro.
| |
ActionMacroRunToggle |
Represents an user action to run/stop a macro.
| |
ActionText |
Represents an user action to send text.
| |
AttributeSettings |
Provides terminal control properties for serialization purpose.
| |
ColorScheme |
Represents a color scheme.
| |
ConnectionSettings |
Provides connection parameters for serialization purpose.
| |
CustomSchemeT |
Represents the base class for custom schemes.
| |
CustomSchemeDataT |
Represents the base class for custom scheme data for serialization.
| |
Edit |
Provides clipboard and editing properties.
| |
EditScheme |
Represents an edit scheme.
| |
FileTransferSettings |
Represents a file transfer scheme for serialization purpose.
| |
FlexClientCert |
Represents an SSL client certificate for serialization purpose.
| |
FtpSettings |
Provides parameters for FTP file transfer.
| |
FtpTransferScheme |
Represents a FTP file tranfer scheme.
| |
HostNamePort |
Represents a host name and port number pair.
| |
HotspotAct |
Represents a hotspot action.
| |
HotspotActCollection |
Represents a collection of HotspotAct.
| |
HotspotScheme |
Represents a hotspot scheme.
| |
Identity |
Provides system properties of the software.
| |
IndSettings |
Provides parameters for IND$FILE file transfer.
| |
IndTransferScheme |
Represents an IND$FILE transfer scheme.
| |
KeyAct |
Represents a keyboard action.
| |
KeyActCollection |
Represents a collection of KeyAct.
| |
KeyboardScheme |
Represents a keyboard scheme.
| |
MouseAct |
Represents a mouse action.
| |
MouseActCollection |
Represents a collection of MouseAct.
| |
MouseScheme |
Represents a mouse scheme.
| |
PageSetupInfo |
Provides properties for page setup in printing.
| |
SchemeProfileT |
Provides serialization support for scheme files.
| |
ScreenColor |
Stores a color name and the associated foreground and background color values.
| |
ScreenColorCollection |
Represents a collection of ScreenColor.
| |
SessionSettings |
Provides serialization of configuration parameters from session files.
| |
TransferListItem |
Represents an item of a file transfer list.
| |
UserAction |
Represents the base class for user actions to perform on the terminal. This is for
serialzation purpose only. To perform specific actions, use classes such as
ActionText, ActionMacroRunToggle etc.
Enumeration | Description | |
ATTNMethod |
Specifies the attention key methods.
| |
AttributeMode |
Specifies the Wyse attribute modes.
| |
AutoResetKeyboard |
Specifies the auto reset keyboard options.
| |
BackspaceMode |
Specifies the TN5250 backspace modes.
| |
BlockEnd |
Specifies the Wyse block end characters.
| |
ColorName |
Specifies the host color names.
| |
ColumnSeparator |
Specifies the TN5250 column separators.
| |
ConnectionMethod |
Specifies the connection methods.
| |
ConnectStatus |
Specifies the connection status.
| |
CursorRuler |
Specifies the cursor ruler types.
| |
CursorShape |
Specifies the cursor shapes.
| |
CutReplaceWith |
Specifies the characters to replace cut text with.
| |
DataBits |
Specifies the number of bits used for each character.
| |
DisplayModel |
Specifies the display session models.
| |
DisplayPrinter |
Specifies the session type.
| |
FileExistsAction |
Specifies the reaction to resolve when transferring files that already exists.
| |
FlexFtpEncoding |
Specifies the FTP file transfer character encodings.
| |
FlexFtpProxyType |
Specifies the FTP proxy types.
| |
FlexSecureMode |
Specifies the encryption methods.
| |
FlexSshCompressionLevel |
Specifies the SSH compression levels.
| |
FlexSshEncryptionAlgorithms |
Specifies the SSH encryption algorithms.
| |
FlexSshHostKeyAlgorithms |
Specifies the SSH host key algorithms.
| |
FlexSshKeyExchangeAlgorithms |
Specifies the SSH key exchange algorithms.
| |
FlexSshMacAlgorithms |
Specifies the SSH mac algorithms.
| |
FlexSslProtocols |
Specifies the SSL protocols.
| |
HostCodePage |
Specifies the host code pages.
| |
HostKeyCode |
Specifies the host keys for different emulation types.
| |
HotspotType |
Specifies the types of hotspots.
| |
KeepAlive |
Specifies the keep alive sequence types.
| |
KeyModifier |
Specifies the keyboard key modifiers.
| |
MatchType |
Specifies the hotspot matching types.
| |
MouseClick |
Specifies the types of mouse clicks.
| |
PasteMode |
Specifies the text paste modes.
| |
PrintingMode |
Specifies the printing modes for host printing.
| |
SchemeType |
Specifies the scheme types.
| |
SelectAppearance |
Specifies the text selection appearances.
| |
SelectMode |
Specifies the text selection modes.
| |
ShowBlinkTextAs |
Specifies how blinking text is shown.
| |
SslAcceptFlags |
Specifies the SSL server certificates accepted.
| |
SslNotAcceptAction |
Specifies the actions to take when SSL server certificate is not accepted.
| |
Terminal |
Specifies the host emulation types.
| |
TransferDirection |
Specifies the file transfer direction.
| |
TransferFileType |
Specifies the file transfer file types.
| |
TransferHost |
Specifies the host types of a file transfer.
| |
TransferPCCodePage |
Specifies the IND$FILE file transfer PC code pages.
| |
TransferSFSize |
Specifies the structure field transfer sizes.
| |
VtHostEncoding |
Specifies the VT host encodings.
| |
Specifies the VT national replacement character sets.
| |
VtOperatingMode |
Specifies the VT operating modes.
| |
VtStatusLineMode |
Specifies the VT status line modes.
| |
WyseCapsLockMode |
Specifies the Wyse caps lock modes.
| |
WyseStatusLineMode |
Specifies the Wyse status line modes.
| |
WyseUserCharset |
Specifies the Wyse user-preferred character sets.