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BackspaceMode Enumeration

Specifies the TN5250 backspace modes.

Namespace: Flex.Hal.Settings
Assembly: Flex.Hal.Ohio (in Flex.Hal.Ohio.dll) Version: 6.0.8219.1880
public enum BackspaceMode
Member nameValueDescription
Backspace0 Cursor is moved one space to the left deleting any unprotected character at the location.
BackspaceStopAtFieldAttr1 Cursor is moved one space to the left deleting any unprotected character at the location only if the position to the left is unprotected; otherwise, cursor is not allowed to move.
CursorLeft2 Cursor is moved one space to the left without deleting any character.
CursorLeftStopAtFieldAttr3 Cursor is moved one space to the left only if the position to the left is unprotected; otherwise, cursor is not allowed to move.
AutoSkipBackspace4 If cursor is on an unprotected field, performs as Backspace; otherwise, cursor moves to the last position of the previous unprotected field.
See Also