Click or drag to resize

Edit Properties

The Edit type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowDragAndDrog Gets or sets a value that indicates whether drag and drop text from the screen is allowed.
Public propertyAppearance Gets or sets the appearance of text selection.
Public propertyAutoCopySelectedText Gets or sets a value that indicates whether selected text is automatically copied into the Windows clipboard.
Public propertyCopy Gets or sets the paste mode.
Public propertyCutReplace Gets or sets what cut text is replaced with.
Public propertyMode Gets or sets the selection mode. Block mode is similar to selecting text in a spread sheet, while line mode is similar to selecting text in a word document.
Public propertyMoveCursorAfterPastedText Gets or sets a value that indicates whether cursor is automatically moved to the end of pasted text.
Public propertyPaste Gets or sets the paste mode.
Public propertyPasteToProtectedFields Gets or sets a value that indicates whether protected fields are skipped (false) when pasting into to the host screen.
See Also