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TermCommands Class

Provides the commands to be used in ActionCommand.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Flex.Hal.Term
Assembly: Flex.Hal.Term (in Flex.Hal.Term.dll) Version: 6.0.8219.1880
public static class TermCommands

The TermCommands type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberEditClear Specifies the Edit Clear command.
Public fieldStatic memberEditCopy Specifies the Edit Copy command.
Public fieldStatic memberEditCopyAppend Specifies the Edit Copy Append command.
Public fieldStatic memberEditCopyGraph Specifies the Edit Copy Graph command.
Public fieldStatic memberEditCut Specifies the Edit Cut command.
Public fieldStatic memberEditPaste Specifies the Edit Paste command.
Public fieldStatic memberEditPasteContinue Specifies the Edit Paste Continue command.
Public fieldStatic memberEditRedo Specifies the Edit Redo command.
Public fieldStatic memberEditSelectAll Specifies the Edit Select All command.
Public fieldStatic memberEditUndo Specifies the Edit Undo command.
See Also