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OhioScreen Class

Encapsulates the host presentation space. The presentation space is a virtual screen which contains all the characters and attributes that would be seen on a traditional emulator screen. The OhioScreen object provides methods that manipulate text, search the screen, send keystrokes to the host, and work with the cursor. The raw presentation space data is maintained in a series of planes. The text plane contains the actual characters in the presentation space. The color plane contains color characteristics. The field plane contains the field attributes. The extended plane contains the extended field attributes. The cursor is an offset into the virtual screen buffer and ranges from 0 to the last character of the screen buffer.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Flex.Hal.Ohio
Assembly: Flex.Hal.Ohio (in Flex.Hal.Ohio.dll) Version: 6.0.8219.1880
public class OhioScreen

The OhioScreen type exposes the following members.

Public propertyColumns Gets the number of columns in the presentation space.
Public propertyCursor Gets or sets the location of the cursor in the presentation space.
Public propertyCursorVisible Gets whether the VT cursor is visible.
Public propertyFields Gets the OhioFields object associated with this presentation space. This provides another way to access the data in the virtual screen.
Public propertyOIA Gets the OhioOIA object associated with this presentation space. This object can be used to query the status of the operator information area.
Public propertyRows Gets the number of rows in the presentation space.
Public propertyString Gets the entire text plane of the virtual screen as a string. All null characters and Field Attribute characters are returned as blank space characters.
Public propertyWaitThrowException Gets or sets whether an exception should be thrown when a wait function is timed out or canceled. The default value is true.
Public propertyWaitTimeoutMSec Gets or sets the default time-out value for wait functions.
Public methodFindString Searches the text plane for the target string and returns it's position.
Public methodGetData Returns an array containing the data from the Text, Color, Field or Extended plane of the virtual screen.
Public methodPosToRowCol Converts screen position value to row and column values.
Public methodPutString Places a text string in the virtual screen at the location specified. The string will overlay only unprotected fields and any parts of the string which fall into protected fields will be discarded.
Public methodRowColToPos Converts row and column values to screen position value.
Public methodSendAidAsync Sends an OhioKey to the virtual screen.
Public methodSendKeysAsync(String, CancellationToken) Sends a string of keystrokes to the virtual screen. This method acts as if keystrokes were being typed from the keyboard of a terminal. The keystrokes will be sent to the current cursor position.
Public methodSendKeysAsync(String, Int32, CancellationToken) Sends a string of keystrokes to the virtual screen. This method acts as if keystrokes were being typed from the keyboard of a terminal. The keystrokes will be sent to the position provided.
Public methodWaitForCursorAsync Waits for the cursor to appear at the position.
Public methodWaitForCursorColumnAsync Waits for cursor to appear at the column position (zero-based). Useful for VT sessions.
Public methodWaitForHostUpdateAsync Waits for the host to send new screen data. For character based VT emulations, other wait functions such as WaitForStrRecvAsync or WaitForCursorColumnAsync should be used instead.
Public methodWaitForNoXAsync Waits for the X () or X SYSTEM to be removed from the OIA line.
Public methodWaitForStrAsync Waits for text to appear at the specified position.
Public methodWaitForStrRecvAsync Waits for text to be received from the VT host. Note that space characters are ignored.
See Also