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OhioField Class

Encapsulates a virtual screen field and provides methods for accessing and manipulating field attributes and data. Note that OhioField objects can be accessed only through the OhioFields object.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Flex.Hal.Ohio
Assembly:  Flex.Hal.Ohio (in Flex.Hal.Ohio.dll) Version: 4.1.4031.1525
public class OhioField

The OhioField type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttribute
Gets the attribute byte for the field.
Public propertyEnd
Gets the ending position of the field. The position can range from 0 to the size-1 of the virtual screen.
Public propertyHidden
Gets a value that indicates if the field is a hidden field.
Public propertyHighIntensity
Gets a value that indicates if the field is a high intensity field.
Public propertyLength
Gets the length of the field. The value can range from 1 to the size of the virtual screen.
Public propertyModified
Gets a value that indicates if the field has been modified. The field can be modified by the host sending data to that field, or by the client using for example the OhioScreen.PutString method.
Public propertyNormal
Gets a value that indicates if the field is a normal field (neither protected nor high intensity).
Public propertyNumeric
Gets a value that indicates if the field is a numeric field.
Public propertyPenSelectable
Gets a value that indicates if the field is a pen selectable field.
Public propertyProtected
Gets a value that indicates if the field is a protected field.
Public propertyStart
Gets the starting position of the field. The position can range from 0 to the size-1 of the virtual screen.
Public propertyString
Gets or sets the text plane data for the field. This is similar to the OhioScreen.GetData method using the OhioPlane.TEXT parameter, except the data is returned as a string instead of a character array. When setting this property, if the length of the value is shorter than the length of the field, the rest of the field will be cleared. If the length of the value is longer than the field, the text is truncated. Also notice that a subsequent call to this property will not reflect the changed text until the OhioFields.Refresh method is called.
Public methodGetData(Int32)
Gets a list containing the data from the specified OhioPlane. This function is identical to GetData(OhioPlane) except that it takes an int as parameter.
Public methodGetData(OhioPlane)
Gets a list containing the data from the specified OhioPlane.
See Also